2023.01.12 教育学科
2022年度の「英語コミュニケーションⅠ」と「Oral Presentation Ⅰ」ではFlip というサイトを使い、非同期による動画の投稿を通してNorth Dakota にあるDavies High School の生徒の皆さんと交流をしました。
このICC (Intercultural Classroom Connections:) プロジェクトの有終の美を飾るコメントが、先生と生徒の皆さんから、教育学科の学生宛てにたくさん届きました。そのいくつかをご紹介します。
I really liked participating in the ICC project. I learned a lot from other students and it was cool to hear differences/similarities between America and Japan. I really enjoyed talking to people from a completely different country and getting responses on my videos. I hope that all of the students at Kobe enjoyed this experience as much as the rest of us did, and thank you for this opportunity.
Being a part of the ICC project was an exciting and wonderful educational experience for my students. Being able to connect through technology with students half a world away is a rare and valuable experience for young people.
My students learned a lot about the differences and similarities between our two cultures, enjoyed sharing their views in their posts, and seeing others views. This was a memorable experience and we are very fortunate to have a partnership with Dr. Mizuno and the Kobe Women's University. Many thanks from your friends across the ocean!
嬉しいことに、2023年度も引き続きDavies High School の高校生の皆さんと交流する予定です。とても楽しみです。